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#Stage 2

Old story development

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(a) “Best Friend” (2018)                      (b)“Afternoon Class” (2014) By Orso                             (c)“Duo” (2014)

This style because of our story, we want to use bolder colors and imaginative sequences we think this is style is more suitable to bring a focal point to the protagonist. The background will be a lot simpler so it will not take the attention from the character.

Similarities: All Animation has fixed dominant colors, solid coloring for the character, and puts a focal point on the character.

Difference: (a),(c) has a huge influence of ( light & dark ) contrast, while (b) is saturated so the shadow is overlaid with the dominant color.

Style Analysis

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The story will occur in Hong Kong so we researched some school uniforms to get references from.

Character & Scene Design

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Following the discussion, our original story was too long and in-depth to execute and have too many characters. It would be too confusing for the viewer to understand the story. We rewrote the storyline and researched types of writing that would be more suitable for animation. 
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