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#Stage 4

Confirmed Designs



The Dream is a collaborative project that Sofie Lee and I began one year ago and work on it in our free time. We had had a good experience working together in the past and wanted to deepen this connection with a heightened level of quality and storytelling. We both came from different countries and cultures with a hope to have better work opportunities and aspired to build a bright future for ourselves and our families. The Dream is the universal story of one’s struggle to balance reality and imagination. Sometimes, waking up and facing the real world, one is confronted with the many obstacles of achieving one’s dream. So, we retrieve psychologically in our dream, which may drive us to forget who we really are. The dream is a new adventure that was expertly designed by Sofie Lee and which brought me out of my comfort zone. I lived with this project for a year and worked on it during my free time. Despite the 2D graphics aesthetic of the style frames, I decided to use 3D software as my main tool to animate most of the scenes. The remainder of the animation, compositing, and editing, was executed in After Effects. I found Cinema4D to be a great tool for such a complicated animation because it allowed me to manage and animate all of its exquisite details. Each scene brought with it a new challenge as new transitions involved a lot of problem-solving. Every time I found a good solution, it was like I winning a stage in a race up a mountain. This is not unlike real life; a game in which we try to win each stage and go to the next one. Thus, each experience in our lives makes us stronger for tackling the next adventure and achieving our dream.

Animation Style References

After referencing and analyzing the animation that we think would be suitable for our animation, we have a tutorial with the mentor. With the animatic and the reference videos, we think the style of "My Moon" is very suitable for our animation. Therefore, we want to adjust our design based on that kind of clear style.

Character Design

Character References


According to the references, the characters are designed as the reference shown numerically.

luna & selene.jpg

Character reference from " My Moon " 


Final Character Design

This is the final design inspired by the animation references for Luna & Selene, instead of drawing it is formed with shapes. 

luna n selene rig.jpg

Props and Scene Design

Selene Flower

We use a flower as the representation of the younger sister, Selene. It is based on morning glories.

The flower is acting as a beacon of Luna's life, so we made the flower glow in the dark. Therefore, there will be a more mysterious atmosphere, which also suits the feeling inside the spaceship.

Flower front .png
Flower back .png

Flower Design

The Laboratory

The laboratory is where Luna and Selene live and born, it is very empty and spacious, but still, it provides everything the sisters need.

The sisters live similar to a test object, so we researched about test object laboratory in games and movies and found that most of them live inside of a pod or a giant bottle with liquid inside. Therefore, we used the elements of pods and liquid and designed the laboratory.

We added slopes so the sisters will be hanging in the air, which makes them staying away from the chaos and noise from the outside, also it makes meeting the sister more difficult. Therefore, the sisters will have a quiet, calm, and comfortable environment for them to grow up.


Lab floor plan

tubes _scene.png

Sleep Pod Design

Final Background Design

Poster Design

Half my Cresent _ poster 1.jpg
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